Lista składa się z 1001 fraz
Leiber, Fritz Los Cerebros Plateados
La señorita Rubores se incorporaba y hacía entrechocar sus pinzas. Arrodillado junto aella, Zane Gort frotaba suavemente su chamuscado costado con una esponja húmeda: lafea mancha casi había desaparecido. Zane metió la esponja en una pequeña cavidad desu propio pecho ...
Dailey Janet Ogień i lód
zwrócił się do Paula.- Cześć, Zachary! Cześć, Paul! - przywitała ich wesoło Alisa,zatrzymując się koło nich. - Nora pojechała do miasta odwiedzićwnuka w szpitalu, więc to ja dziś przyniosłam wam lunch.- Zwietnie wyglądasz, jak zwykle zresztą. - ...
Muammar Qaddafi Green Book Eng
worst of situations. As wage-earners are a type of slave and their slavery exists as long asthey work for wages, domestic servants, whose position is lower than that of wage-earners in economic establishments and corporations, have an even greater need to beemancipated ...
92. Czarny Jakub Pan Samochodzik Tom 92 Pałac Kultury i Nauki
w każdej cerkwi leży ikona. Ucałował święty obraz i złączywszy kciuk z palcemwskazującym i środkowym, a serdeczny i mały ułożywszy na dłoni, uczynił znakkrzyża, najpierw dotykając prawego ramienia.Obejrzeliśmy ikony. Przy tej przedstawiającej ...
CS Friedman [Magister 02] Wings of Wrath
within.No!It was Danton's child who defied the prophecy. Not because he was tainted by sorcery—Ramirus had assured her that was not the case—but simply because he was what he was: hisfather's child. Half his heritage was lyr, but the other half was not; that ...
Gregory Benford The Sunborn
laughing gas-yeah, I've heard.Point is, my earnest darling?""That Marconi's antennas had to be at least a fraction of the size of thewavelengths he used. Or else they couldn't radiate very much-or receive much,either.""That was the best he could do?""Da-and this is the ...
John Ringo Council War 04 East of the Sun, West of the Moon v5.0
aiming for was more than fifty meters away. They also had sprung off hard. Thewater would tend to slow them but they'd do the same thing in microgravity.The point was that the entire team suddenly appeared in the opening, movingfast and making for very hard targets.As they ...
Lyn Hamilton [Archeological Mystery 03] Moche Warrior (v1.0) [lit]
the next day s plans, of course, but also the arrival in town of a known buyerof antiquities. After a few hours tossing and turning, and reaching noconclusions, I crept quietly down the stairs, shoes in hand, and eased my wayout the door. It was still dark, about 5:30 in the ...
Miernicki Sebastian Pan Samochodzik i ... Kaukaski Wilk
Musiałem oszczędzać amunicję, a miałem tylko jeden, trzydziestonabojowy magazynek.Chwilę spokoju wykorzystałem na ucieczkę. Tomek zniknął mi sprzed oczu. Cokilkanaście metrów zatrzymywałem się, oddawałem trzy, cztery strzały i biegłem dalej. ...
Fred Saberhagen Berserker 1967
Duncan raised his spear and howled, and charged the wolf. For a moment thefire-eyes looked steadily at him, appearing to be a full hand apart. Then thewolf turned away; it made one deep questioning sound, and was gone into thedarkness out beyond the firelight.Duncan ...
coats of mail, when he came to the sea!Nor yet might Hetwaras {31b} haughtily boasttheir craft of contest, who carried against himshields to the fight: but few escapedfrom strife with the hero to seek their homes!Then swam over ocean Ecgtheow's sonlonely and sorrowful, ...
Vivien Dean Boys of the Zodiac Aries R
even convince the world exists?The rumble was punctuated with a horn blast. A semi, at thevery least. He didn t have much time, if this proved to be their ride. It wasn t hard for him to get me to buy his sell. I m almostthirty. My savings account is solid, but if I hit one bad ...
Line of Fire W E B Griffin
eggs, toast, coffee, a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice, a copy of The Washington Star, and arose in a tiny vase."Come in," Sergeant George Hart called cheerfully.The door opened and a man in a paint-stained smock stuck his head in."Sorry to disturb you, Sir," he ...
Hardy Kristin Sekretny kochanek
Cóż stwierdziła Becka w zamyśleniu a czy niejest oszustem facet, który poszedłby z tobą do łóżka dlapieniędzy? I pieprzyłby się z tobą tak, jakby sprawiało muto przyjemność? Ten facet przynajmniej zrobił to, bopragnął ciebie, a nie twoich ...
Jaden Sinclair Shifter 05 Coles Awakening
two days. It was strange, only because of the information they had about his strength and determination.He wasn't the kind to pass out from a severe beating or drugs. Only after they were all up here did Sashafinally speak, and it was to Drake. All she said was that they were safe ...
Wolverton Dave Ścieżka bohatera
myczki krwi nadal sp³ywa³y mu z czo³a. Twarz mia³ bezkrwist¹, skó-rê blad¹. Nie oddycha³. Ale Fava i bez tego wiedzia³a, ¿e go nie ma.OpuSci³ cia³o.Zamknê³a oczy, dysza³a. Przebieg³ j¹ spazm smutku. Nie wie-dzia³a czy to jej smutek, czy smutek Tulla. Czy op³akuje ...
Życie we dwoje
ÿþ%7Å‚ycie we dwojeNiniejsza publikacja zawiera jedynie fragment peÅ‚nej wersji książki.ZdobÄ…dz peÅ‚nÄ… wersjÄ™ klikajÄ…c tutaj.ISBN: 978-83-7778-165-4EAN: 9788377781654
To coœ
ÿþTo coÅ›Niniejsza publikacja zawiera jedynie fragment peÅ‚nej wersji książki.ZdobÄ…dz peÅ‚nÄ… wersjÄ™ klikajÄ…c tutaj.ISBN: 978-83-2471-2-885EAN: 9788324712885
Jeffrey A. Carver Parrone The Dragons
knew, with an instinctive certainty, who it was they were searching for andwhat they were to say. They were to find the One, a human named Jael, andthey were to call her to return with them. Their purpose in life, and thetotality of their being, were dedicated to that task. If ...
Jennifer Murgia Gwiazda anioła
spoconych dłoni nieuwolnił mnie od bólu. Tak trudno było przestać patrzeć na Garretha. Alejeszcze trudniej - niemal niesposób - było oderwać wzrok od tego, który mu to zrobił. Zupełnieoszołomiona siłą elokwencjiHadriana, przez chwilę nie ...
Jacques Vallee Dimensions A Casebook Of Alien Contact
course. The same morning something peculiar happened on the coast. The French trawler Archipel,which was close to the rocky shore of Urville directly west of Cherbourg (on the trajectory theobject must have followed if the radar echo corresponds to the UFO), went off ...
Wil McCarthy The Queendom of Sol 03 Lost in Transmission (Bantam)
monochromatic and phase-locked. Attributed to Bruno de Towaji.Gravitic (adj) Of or pertaining to gravity, either natural or artificial.Halochondria (n) Organelles occurring naturally in the native eukaryoticorganisms of the Barnardean world of Sorrow, aka ...
la deuda externa y el desguace
garantiza una calidad de vida digna para cada ser humano. Y lo más terrible, quiereahogarnos laesperanza de que vale la pena luchar por ello .18EL PARLAMENTO LATINOAMERICANO, LAS NACIONES UNIDAS Y LADEUDA EXTERNAPARLAMENTO LATINOAMERICANO CONSEJO ...