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Francis , Philip 76-7,83 and Terror 62-3,68,97,101
Franklin, Benjamin 5,15 Frost, John 54
and Britain 28
and Declaration of George II, and national anthem 2
Independence 38 George III:
and Paine 23, 25-6,47 and American colonies 25,33-5,
Franklin, William 25 70
freedom of religion: and French Revolution 64
in America 99,101 insanity 18, 51,53
in France 101-2 and national anthem 2
Gironde 56,57
and Paine 101-3
Glorious Revolution 74,87
freedom of speech 52,55,59,123-4
freethinking 22, 23,68
and Burke 16,72,78-80,84-5,
French Revolution:
" 5
and America 6,14
and Locke 107
and atheism 125
and Paine 54,84-8
British opposition to 13,49-50,
Godwin, William 50, 52
Gordon, Lord George 72-3,92
British support for 5,6,9,49,52,
Gordon riots 72-3
Goupilleau, Etienne 57
and the Church 100-1
and conquest of Britain 64-5
constitutional 110-18
Constitution 17, 57-8,63,90,
republican 18,31-2
and social contract 94-6,105-6,
Declaration des droits de l'Homme
et du citoyen 49,90,101-2
and society 31, 94-6,113
and declaration of rights 17
see also monarchy
and Directory 64
Gray, Thomas, 'Elegy Written in a
and Gironde 55-6
Country Churchyard' 19-20,
and monarchy 56-7,58-61,64,
Greene, Nathanael 38
84 92 97
and Napoleon Bonaparte 64-6
I N D E X I 152
Hastings, Warren 48,77 and France 47,49,137-8
Hazlitt, William 48-9,66 and Madison 86
Headstrong Club (Lewes) 24 Notes on the State of Virginia 27
Hegel, G. F. W. 103 and Paine 68,136-9
hereditary principle: and presidency 68,114,137
and Burke 14, 79-80,91-2,94 and religious freedom 99
and Burns 10 and slavery 138-9
and Paine 10,14,17-18,51,83-5, A Summar y View of the Ri ght s of
92-4,109,114 British Ame r i c a 70
Hobbes, Thomas: Johnson, Joseph (printer) 51-2
Johnson, Samuel 6,48,116
and human nature 108-9
Jordan, J. S. (publisher) 52
and rights 104-6,108
Houdetot, Elisabeth Frangoise
Sophie de la Live de political control 57,98
Bellegarde, Comtesse de 114 and separation of powers
House of Commons, and Ri ght s of 116-17
Man 106
Howe, Richard Howe, 1st Earl 40-1 Kant, Immanuel 131
human nature, in Hobbes 108-9 Kaye, Harvey 37
Hume, David 109,131-2,139-40 Keane, John 52
Keynes, John Maynard 118
India, and Burke 48,51,70 King, Martin Luther 1-2
insurance, social 111,120-1 King of Pr us s i a, Paine serves on 21,
Ireland: 22
and Burke 69-70,78 Kipling, Rudyard:
and France 64 The American Rebellion' 33-4
and Paine 10 'Norman and Saxon' 88-9
Jacobins 57-61,73 Lafayette, Marie Joseph, Marquis
Jefferson, Thomas 5,8 de:
and Britain 28,88 and American Revolution 6,
and Burke 69,70 14-15,42
and Declaration of and dedication of Ri ght s of Man
Independence 36,38 17,52,111
1 1 8
exile 97 Marx, Karl 70-1,81,91,103-4,
in Paris 17,47,49,97 Mather, Joseph 2-6,8,29
Lambert, Mary 23 Methodism, and Paine 23,41
Landor, Walter Savage 66 military, control of 81-3
Lazarus, Emma 36 Mill, John Stuart 11
Levellers 109 Milton, John 22,32,96,124
Lewes, and radicalism 24 miracle 131-2
liberty: monarchy 9,14
and American Revolution 8,29, and Burke 14,16,79-80,84,94,
138 97
and Burke 118 French 6,14,56-7,58-61,64,84,
and Burns 9
and English radicalism 2-8, and hereditary principle 10,14,
54 5 79
and Norman Conquest 86-90
and French Revolution 57,62
in Old Testament 31,124
in Hobbes 104
and Ri ght s of Man 51,55,68,
and Milton 22,124
and Paine 10,29, 32
and war 94,121-2
and United Irishmen 8-9
Monroe, James 63,125
Lincoln, Abraham 134,142
Morris, Gouverneur 42,56,63
literacy, growth 22,37,85,104
' My Country, 'tis of thee' 1-2
Locke, John 94
and Glorious Revolution 107
Napoleon Bonaparte 64-6,101,136,
and rights 104,106-7
Louis XVI:
National Assembly (France)
and American Revolution 42
and Lafayette 17
trial and execution 59-61
and majoritarianism 117
and Paine 14,16,49,58-9
and Paine 86,88,90,98
Luxemburg, Rosa 83
and rights 17
National Convention (France):
Madison, James 86
left/right division 57,68,69
Magna Carta 36,115
and Louis XVI 59-61
Marat, Jean Paul 57,61-2
and Napoleon Bonaparte 64
Marie Antoinette 14,49,74-7,84,93
1 5 4
and Paine 56-8,62-3 journalist 26-8, 30; and
naturalism, and religion 127-8 plans for iron bridge 42-3,
nature, and human rights 36 47-8; as secretary to
Norman Conquest: Pennsylvania legislature
and British monarchy 86-90 43 4
and human rights 11,115 later career i n Europe 45-6,47-68;
and Burke 48-9,51; slanders
O'Brian, Patrick 22,65-6 against 51; libel charges
O'Brien, Conor Cruise 78 against 52-5; imprisonment
O'Connell, Arthur 140-1 62-3,125,136
Oldys, Francis (George Chalmers)
legacy 135-42
personal life: as drinker 30,51,
Ollive, Elizabeth see Paine, Elizabeth 136; as freethinker 22,68;
Ollive, Samuel 24 friendships 47,48-9; health
Orwell, George, Ni net een Eighty Four 136; marriages 23,24-5;
12 final years 135; death 134,
Pain, Frances (mother of TP) 20, 22 vi ews: and Biblical authority 29,
Pain, Joseph (father of TP) 20-1 31,89,91-2,124,125,
Paine, Elizabeth (nee Ollive; wife of 128-30,135-6; and French
TP)24-5 Revolution 6-7,10,13-17,
Paine, Mary (nee Lambert; wife of 49,52,55-68,122,138
TP) 23 wr i t i ngs : Ag r a r i a n j us t i ce 121;
Paine, Thomas 19-20 Co mmo n Sense 30-8,55,73,
character: as quixotic 43; as self- 89,105-6,117,123,139; The
taught 18,22 Crisis 31,38-40,89,124,142;
early life: family background Crisis papers 40-1,45; Letter
20-1; education 22 to the Abbe Raynal 44-5;
early career: as staymaker 20,23; Lettre de Thomas Paine au
Peuple Frangois 57; 'The
at sea 20-1,22; as Excise
Liberty Tree' 29; On the
officer 23-4; and tobacco
Propriety of Br i n g i n g Louis
shop 24
XVI to Trial 58-9; Opinion de
later career in Ame r i c a 25-46,68;
Thomas Paine s ur !'affaire de
and independence 28-42; as
155 I I N D E X
Louis Capet 60; see also The and liberty 2-8, 54-5,79
Ag e of Reason; Ri ght s of and lost Paradise idea 96
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