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Dominick kissed his way to her throat, pulled her into his arms
and hugged her tight.
 What happens next? she murmured.
 Breakfast, they both said in unison.
Stella startled.  Don t you want to go have sex?
 Yes, they said at the exact same time once again.
64 Elle Saint James
 But, Tyler whispered,  this amazingly beautiful woman went to
the trouble of making us a gourmet breakfast, and we intend to devour
it first before we devour her, okay?
Dominick gazed deeply into her eyes.  After breakfast we can do
whatever you want.
 Well, I want sex.
He grinned.  Duly noted.
Limbs still shaking from the powerful orgasm, Stella took a deep
breath and walked to the stove. She found a cereal bowl, hastily
prepared the vanilla sugar icing with trembling hands. She then
drizzled the lumpy glaze on the coffee cake, piled the bacon on a
plate, and served them piping hot coffee. No one spoke, but the lustful
staring was almost more than she could take. Even as the orgasm had
quenched her body, she thought about double penetration. She
couldn t wait to discover the seductive secrets of their uninhibited
* * * *
Tyler led the way to his bedroom located on the second floor of
the main house just as soon as the breakfast dishes were rinsed and
quickly piled in the dishwasher. There were five ample-sized
bedrooms on the second floor, each with its own bathroom, in
addition to the three guest rooms on the first floor. He lived in the
corner room facing the back woods and the majesty of the Rocky
Climbing the gleaming hardwood staircase, it was all he could do
not to dance with glee. Given that the three of them were on the way
to sexual fantasies and the long-awaited seduction of Stella, the
beautiful houseguest, he silently cheered.
Well, it hadn t been that long, but given the current tensile
strength of his cock, it seemed like a really long time since she d
Unbridled and Unbound 65
exited her wrecked car and entered into what he considered a private
paradise. Which was even more of a delight now that she was here.
And to be fair, the fact that they hadn t shared a woman in awhile
also added a layer of anticipation. Taking over as caretakers for the
property had sucked up so much of their time the past few months,
they hadn t even gone into town for a quickie.
More noteworthy was the fact that Stella would be the first
woman they d shared at the DRMC property. The pending sex they
were about to initiate at Stella s enthusiastic insistence sent visions of
sexual positions dancing through his head. So many ideas rushed
around in his mind, he didn t know where to start.
Should they take turns having sex with her first? Let her climax a
few more times before introducing her into the lifestyle? Bend her
over? Tie her up? Take her against the smooth tiles in the shower?
Any of many available positions to have sex with Stella would be
The only way to make this coming sexual act more perfect would
be to invite someone else to watch them. Although that might make
Stella take pause. As there was no one even here to witness what was
about to happen, it was a moot point anyway. Maybe if Clay got back
in time they d ask. In the meantime, Tyler planned to do everything in
his power to ensure she enjoyed each and every second with them.
He opened the door to his room, glad he d taken the time to make
his big bed this morning before barn duty.
Before he even got completely through the door, Stella s hands
danced along his back, arms, and shoulder. Dominick was half a step
behind her when Tyler turned and grabbed her into his arms. He
buried his face in her neck and nuzzled her soft skin. Her hips swayed
and pushed against his groin in a most provocative way as his lips
crushed hers.
The kiss was explosive and hungry. Dominick moved in and
pressed her between them as they kissed and kissed and kissed. The
single moan she released into his mouth pushed Tyler nearly over the
66 Elle Saint James
edge. He wanted no, needed to taste her body. Breaking away
slowly from her lips, Tyler kissed his way from her chin to one
lovely, rose-tipped breast. The second he clasped her nipple between
his lips, her long, lusty groan echoed across the room. His cock
unfurled completely and pressed against his pants, demanding release.
Tyler kissed across to her other breast and suckled for several
minutes before making his way south. Dominick reached around and
began thumbing her nipples the moment Tyler stopped sucking on
them. He intended to bury his face between her legs and lick until he
heard her scream in climax.
The shirt she wore didn t offer much protection against his
onslaught. He unbuttoned the remaining buttons as he went down and
pulled her skimpy panties off with his teeth. This action made her
Tyler was in love. He didn t typically believe in love at first sight,
but there was something about Stella that touched him deep down
inside his soul where no previous woman had come close to being.
She was perfect for them. He lifted one shapely leg and placed her
thigh on his shoulder to give him easier access to her pussy. The scent
of her arousal was driving him insane. Without another thought, he
drove forward and pushed his face into her mound. His tongue darted
out for a taste. He must have grazed her clit, because she groaned and
swayed in Dominick s arms the moment his tongue stroked flesh.
 Do that again, she whispered.
So he did. This time she sucked in a deep breath and fell lax
against Dominick.  Oh God, your tongue is amazing.
It wasn t easy to lick and grin at the same time, but Tyler
managed. He drove two fingers into her pussy and she bucked against
his mouth. He sucked her clit between his lips as he finger-fucked her
From above he heard her sweet voice chanting,  Ohmigod,
ohmigod, omigod&  louder and louder until she suddenly stiffened,
Unbridled and Unbound 67
arched against Dominick s chest and climaxed in a rush, if the fluid
now coating his hand was any indication.
Without moving his mouth from her clit, he pulled his fingers
from her pussy, slid them back to her derriere hole, and inserted his
middle finger past the first ring of muscles of her rosette. She startled
as if supremely surprised, but didn t tell him to stop. Testing the
waters, so to speak, he eased his finger in and out a few times and
after the third such thrust, she started moving in tandem, helping him
go a little deeper with each push.
Dominick still stroked her nipples, kissed the back of her neck,
and played with her breasts as Tyler now finger-fucked her lovely ass.
Lapping up the cream from her pussy, he resumed licking her clit, but
she squirmed as if the bud was still too sensitive to touch. He eased
his finger from between her ass cheeks. Trailing kisses from her
mound to her chin, Tyler finally pressed his juice-coated mouth to her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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