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consequences, she would get what she needed one way or
another. Her body would succumb to instinct.
"You should go."
"I can't leave you alone. Once night falls he'll be back. We
have to be out of here by then. I won't lose you again."
"No, you " Her temper flared as irritation and irrationality
set in at the same time. She didn't want to hurt this guy. She
had to do something to get back into a rational state of mind.
Her phantom fangs pressed against her lips and she had a
hard time swallowing. The knot in her stomach crept up her
throat. Her intruder's aura pulsated in the back of her mind.
All of her senses were going into overdrive, triggered by her
Immortal Desires
by Crymsyn Hart
thirst. "You d-don't understand. I don't want to hurt you.
He lifted her chin. She resisted him, but his strength was
more than she'd expected. She tried to keep her eyes on the
carpet, but Andrew was insistent.
"Amara, you've always been so stubborn. It took us two
hundred years before you overcame being obstinate, and I
didn't have to force feed you anymore. After all that time, you
finally stopped hating me for taking you away from a mortal
death. I know you're hungry. I felt it when you came in.
You're denying what you so desperately need. You've been
refusing it since you first awoke to your true nature. Energy is
a poor substitute for blood. Your body can't truly suppress the
blood-hunger, even though your mind says it can. You resort
to taking the essence of life in its purest form to prolong your
existence. I know you've had blood, but you turned from it
because it's intoxicating. Once you taste it, you have to force
yourself to stop or you think you'll hurt the one you feed
from. It's hard. I know. I've been in the very spot you're in,
but it's the condition of our souls. No matter how we decide
to live, from blood or energy, there's no way of escaping our
true natures."
"What do you want from me?" Amara understood what he
said, but she heard him through a tunnel. It would only be a
matter of moments before her consciousness snapped. The
only way to stop it was to feed, and she hated to give in.
Even taking out chunks of her cheeks to have the taste of
blood wasn't going to help.
Immortal Desires
by Crymsyn Hart
"It's not what I want. It's what you need. My desires can
be sated later. Here."
He lifted his wrist, but she grabbed it to stop him. Part of
her still battled against the blood even though everything in
her screamed for him to slice his flesh open so the coppery
fluid could settle on her tongue. But she couldn't. Even if he
offered, she couldn't.
If she were lucid, she would have tried to explore their
newly formed link. She focused through the haze and
searched her mind. This man was associated with the
mysterious woman she saw in Trevor's thoughts. His silky
voice echoed in her psyche. She saw him bending over her.
He'd made her into a vampire before, centuries ago.
Somehow he had reappeared now. None of this was by
chance. She wanted to ask him what was going on, but her
need overshadowed her reason.
Why is he back? Why didn't he come for me when I was
younger? Why now when my friends are disappearing? Is he a
psychic vampire that's more in touch with his gifts I am? Did
he have the same kind of experiences growing up, dealing
with hunger ... or is he a blood-vampire? From the sound of
it, he was a sanguine vampire, but she wouldn't take his
blood. There were too many factors. She didn't want her
obsession to capture her again. Part of her longed to bite into
his wrist, to lap at whatever came out, so her pain would
disappear, but too much of her was human.
"No. Th-thank you. Blood won't help. Not now. It's been
years since I've tasted it. I can't get hooked again. One
Immortal Desires
by Crymsyn Hart
addiction is bad enough. But you do have something that I
He was about to protest, but he studied her face and she
knew that he felt her need. The connection between them
vibrated. She smiled graciously and licked her lips, feeling her
tongue catch on her fangs. If they had been real, she would
have pierced it, but they were only a mirage of what could
have been, of what had once been. She took his wrist and
licked a moment over the pulse point. The musk of his skin
stung her nose and the salt of his flesh burned her tongue. It
would have been easy to rip out a hunk of tissue until she
tasted copper, but she had beaten that longing. She didn't
exist on blood. She had evolved above all that.
His energy played over her mouth tingling against her
fangs. She stretched her mouth wider and then bit down,
piercing his aura, stopping centimeters from his skin. In an
instant his energy flowed down her throat, hot and warm.
Unlike blood, energy was thick. It would take an hour or so
before her aura absorbed it. Sleep would also help with that.
Andrew hissed as if he was physically bitten. He almost jerked
his hand away, but she had it in an iron grip that surprised
even her. Amara barely paid it any mind. Right now, he was a
cheeseburger and she was famished. His essence moved to
the tip of her toes and the top of her head. It surged up her
spine, touching every chakra point, flaring them to life so that
she felt on fire. Each spot spun faster and faster while her
body restored itself. Her head was buzzing and the thread
that bound them flared to life again behind her eyes.
Immortal Desires
by Crymsyn Hart
Her action was natural to her. She saw herself at this
man's neck, supping on his life. She saw herself through his
eyes while he looked down on a sleeping form that resembled
her in a past life. Then she woke from her slumber. Coughs
had convulsed her body from the breath barely staying in her
lungs. She had felt his heart go out to her as he sat on the
bed and tried to soothe her back into sleep. He wanted to
take away her pain, but he was still unsure if she would join
in him in the night. He knew she loved him for being an
angel, a guardian spirit who watched over her and brought
her gifts. Still she didn't know the true being who lay behind
his mysterious facade.
"She will make your life an eternity of hell if you bring her
into our existence. Let her die and choose another. Why her?"
Amara heard the voice behind her, and when she turned
the woman was in the shadows, but Amara still recognized
"Because she's part of my soul. I wouldn't expect you to
"I understand more than you realize, but she will not be
suited for this life. Let her go. You can find her again when
she reincarnates."
"I will not let her die."
"Suit yourself."
The vision faded and the hunger in Amara subsided. The [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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